Doksi 0.1.0 has been released

It is finally here! Well, it actually didn’t take long since we do “release early, release often” but still… it’s here! The first version. So begins our journey to the modern document….

Block editor

One of the things that separates Doksi from traditional document applications such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs is the block editor. Content is composed of multiple blocks which can be a heading, paragraph or a list (more types will come soon). Blocks can be rearranged by a simple drag and drop. Selecting a block will show a little toolbar, specific for that block and allow you to edit the content of the block.

Each block is saved as a separate .rst-file which will later be used by Sphinx to build the document for export purposes.


To enable collaboration between users we have created teams. A team consists of multiple users and a document can be owned by either a user or a team. Documents owned by a team can be edited by anyone of that team. We plan on adding team roles in the future, allowing you to specify which team users can edit the document who can just read them.

Along with the content of the document is the meta data of the document. The first piece of meta data is the copyright notice. This will be displayed along with a copyright symbol and the current year at the bottom of the document.

Containerized deployment

To deploy Doksi we build and publish a container image which can be used with Docker or Podman, or even Kubernetes, to spin up Doksi on a production cluster, or your personal laptop.

External authentication

We have decided to not build our own authentication but instead rely on external providers. In most use cases, and especially in the enterprise, there is already a central authentication provider and adding a new place to store identities is just a nuance. Currently we integrate with Google Accounts, Office 365 and Keycloak.

A very rudimentary search bar is present at the top of the page which allows for search against the title of the documents. This will later be extended with advanced queries and the ability to search for more than just documents, such as users or teams.