Release poster
Doksi 0.7.0 has been released

The latest version of Doksi brings some enterprisey features such as RBAC (Role-based Access Control) for Teams, meta data when showing documents, including statistics, dynamic content with JSON and templating, and much more.

Aug 14, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.6.0 has been released

The last couple of weeks have been very hectic. NASA launched a new rover to Mars, Crew Dragon splashed into the Mexican Gulf, and now we’re gonna top it off with a fresh new release of Doksi. This one brings document properties, redesigned admin area, loading indicators showing when fetching resources, and a bunch of minor bug fixes and design refinements.

Aug 5, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.5.0 has been released

The summer is coming to an end. August is almost here. But we are still making progress and have just finished yet another version. This time we continue to focus on the exporting capability due to its significance for future features. But we have also made automatic deployment part of our build pipeline, allowing us to publish a live version of Doksi that you can checkout without having to deploy it locally.

Jul 31, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.4.0 has been released

Not even two weeks have passed and we already have a new version ready for you. This time there are no new block types or meta data but instead we deliver encryption of documents, the ability to share documents with other users, and integration with Sphinx for building PDF versions of the ReST files.

Jul 21, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.3.0 has been released

We are pleased to announce that version 0.3.0 of Doksi has been released to the public. This version moves us even closer to a first feature complete release with features such as a dashboard, more block type, more meta data. It also comes with a security improvements, which is fundamental since we aim to make Doksi usable inside highly secure environments.

Jul 9, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.2.0 has been released

It’s the second coming. We are back just one month since the last release with a slew of new features. We promised new block types, we promised more meta data, we promised “soon”, we delivered!

Jul 3, 2020

Release poster
Doksi 0.1.0 has been released

It is finally here! Well, it actually didn’t take long since we do “release early, release often” but still… it’s here! The first version. So begins our journey to the modern document….

Jun 3, 2020